Monday, January 19, 2009


I am trying to become more domestic. Thus my friend April and I have gotten together and come up with projects to do. We spend some afternoons together and she helps teach me how to sew. It's been really fun to learn and even more fun to see the finshed results

The latest project was giraffes

This was my first one. It was made for Christmas for my niece Alivia.This is the giraffe for Cades room.
Aren't they so cute!


Cade is now four months old. Well really 4 1/2 months. He is 25 3/4" , 15 lbs 8 oz and his head is 42 1/2 cm. Which means he is once again in the 50%. He still is just perfect. He can rollover but he perfers to sit and stand. He can actually sit up all by himself for minutes at a time. He has been sleeping in his own crib in his own room for over 2 weeks now and it is not uncommon for him to be turned parallel with his crib or completely rotated 180 degrees. He likes to be in the exersaucer and to sit in his bumbo with me in the kitchen. He seems to be getting the idea of bedtime but we are still figuring out naps. His smile lights up a room and his giggle is to die for. He loves to look at hands, especially his own, he puts whatever he can in his mouth, and can talk up a storm. It's amazing to watch him learn and grow. I feel so blessed that I am his mom.

Here is Cade sleeping in his own bed. He really sleeps better in there.

Already a little chef
Here we are just messing around in front of the mirror. Cade loves to see himself.My Big Brown Eyed Boy!
Just relaxing. Aunt Becca made the beanie for him

On another note January 9th was my 24th Birthday. Adam did a good job! Here was my little party.
The next day we had my birthday dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. The food was okay, the atmosphere good, but the company was more than I could have ever asked for.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Here is Cade on Christmas morning. Excited because I was excited.
Familys first Christmas.
Adam kept playing the kids xylophone so I bought one for him. Aunt Haley and Cade. Haley had not seen Cade since he was only a couple of days old.
Cades first stocking.

He loved the wrapping paper.

My best Christmas present ever!

Then we had Christmas in Seattle on December 27.

Cade looking at what he got from Santa

Opening presents

Pre Christmas

Sorry for the late posting. This Christmas we flew down to Houston Texas. There was lots of family, friends, food, and hot weather. Cade got to wear shorts and sleep in onsies for about the third time in his life. Here are some of the fun preChristmas pictures.

My sister Becca bought us a DOG for Chirstmas!

Just kidding! But isn't that the cutest costume ever. And any ever cuter baby boy!

Here is Alivia (19months). She is now the big girl, but when ever baby stuff comes out she just can't resist. Here she is with Cades carseat and elephant. She also carried Cades' playmat around all week. One night we were able to meet up with Adams old college roommate Dan, his wife Kristen, and their son Sam. They moved to Houston recently and we had not seen them in a long time. It was fun catching up and have the baby boys meet.Cade also met new cousin EthanUncle Zachand Uncle Lance for the first time.
Adam spent some quality time with the boys.And we took some fancy family pictures.
Here Cade is on his first Christmas Eve all tuckered out.